The Association for Nutritional Science Austria
The Association for Nutritional Science Austria (VEÖ) was established in 1991 as a professional organisation to represent nutritional scientists in Austria.
VEÖ is a platform for graduates and students of Nutritional Sciences, companies and NGOs in the field of nutrition.
Our Tasks:
- Training and education for both members of the association and interested persons
- Promotion of healthy eating and lifestyle for the Austrian population
- Networking with various public organisations like ministries (ministry of health, agriculture, ..) and the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO)
- Coordination of press contacts and a platform for anyone who is interested in food and nutrition topics
- Connecting the media with nutritional experts
- Preparation of opinions regarding law amendments
- Working Area of Nutritionists the VEÖ represents:
- Health promotion and disease prevention
- Community nutrition/catering
- Food industry (quality management, product development, public relations)
- Research and clinical nutrition
- Media work
- Adult education
- Schools
Contact details:
Mag. Dipl.Ing. Univ. Lektor Andreas Schmölzer (1. Chairman)
Mag. Brigitte Wolf (2. Chairwoman)
Antonia Schmitz, BSc. (2. Chairwoman)
Mag. Susanne Lindenthal (Managing Director)
Phone: +43 (0) 660-8459756